Trans Global Group Expands into China’s High-End Liquor Market with Acquisition of ZXGBVI

Trans Global Group, Inc. (TGGI), a US holding company incorporated in Delaware, has recently expanded its business into China’s high-end liquor market following the acquisition of ZXGBVI, a wine distribution and retail sales company based in Guangdong province. The acquisition was completed on June 30, 2022, through a share exchange agreement between TGGI and Southsea, the shareholder of ZXGBVI. As a result of the deal, ZXGBVI became a wholly-owned subsidiary of TGGI.

Trans Global Group’s Entry into the Chinese Liquor Market

Trans Global Group’s entry into the Chinese liquor market aligns with the company’s vision of building a diversified business portfolio. China, being one of the largest and fastest-growing wine markets globally, offers immense potential for growth and expansion of TGGI’s business. The Chinese liquor market is driven by increasing consumer demand for higher-quality and diverse alcoholic beverages, leading to robust growth in the high-end liquor segment.

Trans Global Group, through its PRC subsidiary Shenzhen Zui Xian Gui Brewery Technology Limited (ZXGSZ), is focusing primarily on the distribution of high-end liquor products in the PRC markets, and potentially international markets in the future. The company’s brand “Zui Xian Gui ้†‰ไป™ๅฝ’” was founded by Mr. Ren Chen, a renowned singer and post-80s entrepreneur, who is a firm believer in building a Chinese flavored liquor culture with a unique quality that appeals to both local and international consumers.

High-End Liquor Product Portfolio

The products distributed by Trans Global Group include Zui Xian Gui International Classic, Zui Xian Gui International Premium, Zui Xian Gui International Collection, MOGU DAXIA, and DangBing DeRen. These products cater to the premium segment of the market, with a focus on luxury and exclusivity. TGGI aims to leverage its well-established distribution network in the PRC and expertise in channel management to effectively tap into the expanding high-end liquor market in China.

Distribution and Marketing Strategies

Trans Global Group’s distribution strategy is predominantly focused on establishing long-term partnerships with its dealers, which are mainly individuals and a few legal entities. The company offers different discount rates based on the purchase amount, enabling it to incentivize its dealers and promote the sales of its products. Furthermore, TGGI’s marketing plan includes advertising, sales promotions, and various public relation activities such as liquor tasting gatherings to help strengthen its relationship with distributors and consumers.

The company’s Director recognizes several competitive strengths that contribute to TGGI’s success, including its well-established distribution network in the PRC and its effective marketing strategy. By having strong ties with both suppliers and distributors, Trans Global Group can provide timely market information, enabling manufacturers to develop new products that cater to the evolving market needs.

Regulatory Challenges and Compliance

As TGGI further expands its presence in the Chinese liquor market, it will need to navigate the complex regulatory landscape related to food safety laws, anti-monopoly regulations, and intellectual property rights. The company’s compliance with these regulations will be crucial in ensuring its long-term success in the PRC and its ability to successfully win over customers in the high-end liquor market.


In conclusion, Trans Global Group’s recent acquisition of ZXGBVI is a strategic move that allows the company to enter the thriving Chinese high-end liquor market and capitalize on the growing demand for luxury alcoholic beverages. By leveraging its strong distribution network and effective marketing strategies, TGGI has the potential to achieve significant growth in this lucrative segment and create a strong foothold in both China and the global liquor market.

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