Rafael Holdings, Inc. Reports Reduced Losses in Healthcare Segment and Increased Interest Income

Noteworthy Improvements in Healthcare and Interest Income

Rafael Holdings, Inc. (RFL) has released its quarterly report with noteworthy improvements in the company’s healthcare segment, as well as increased interest income from investments. Losses in the healthcare segment have significantly reduced and interest income has grown. The healthcare segment includes the activities of LipoMedix, Barer, Farber, and Rafael Medical Devices.

Decrease in Losses from Continuing Operations

In the three months ended April 30, 2023, RFL reported a decrease in losses from continuing operations of 35%, from $4,704,000 in 2022 to $3,049,000 in 2023. Over the nine months ended April 30, the decrease in losses reached 78%, going from $55,795,000 in 2022 to $12,494,000 in 2023. This improvement can be attributed to a 46% decrease in general and administrative expenses, a 27% decrease in research and development expenses, and a 100% decrease in provisions for losses on related party receivables.

Decrease in General and Administrative Expenses

The decrease in general and administrative expenses was mainly due to a net decrease of $5.1 million in severance expense, a $2.7 million decrease in payroll expense, a $1.2 million decrease in legal expense, a $1.0 million decrease in professional fees, and a $0.5 million decrease in other general and administrative expenses. This was partially offset by a net increase of $4.1 million in stock-based compensation expense.

Decrease in Research and Development Expenses

RFL’s research and development expenses decreased in both the three and nine-month periods of 2023 compared to 2022 due to the company’s decision to reduce spending and focus on exploring strategic opportunities by curtailing its early-stage development efforts, including pre-clinical research at the Barer Institute.

Significant Increase in Interest Income

The company’s interest income significantly increased, with the three months ended April 30, 2023, reporting $1,531,000 in interest income compared to $53,000 in 2022. Over the nine months ended April 30, interest income rose from $58,000 in 2022 to $2,301,000 in 2023. This increase is primarily due to the interest income earned on RFL’s investments in available-for-sale securities and the accretion of the discount on the face value of these investments.

Real Estate Segment Performance

RFL’s real estate segment, which consists of a portion of a commercial building in Israel, showed a slight decrease in rental income, as well as general and administrative expenses. However, this segment still managed to produce an income from continuing operations of $62,000 for the nine months ended April 30, 2023.

Cash and Financial Position

As of April 30, 2023, RFL held cash and cash equivalents of around $15.4 million and available-for-sale securities valued at about $67.0 million. The company expects its cash and cash equivalents, as well as available-for-sale securities, to be sufficient to meet its obligations for at least 12 months from the filing of this Quarterly Report in Form 10-Q.


Overall, Rafael Holdings, Inc. continues to show improvements in several areas, indicating its ability to adapt and find success in a competitive market. With reduced losses and increased interest income, the company is well-positioned for continued growth and strategic exploration.

Note that we may hold securities mentioned in this article. The source of this article are the SEC filings available at https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1713863/000121390023048592/f10q0423_rafaelhold.htm that we extracted with the help of various software tools. Even though we have implemented various fact-checking processes, some incorrect information may have remained in the article (false positive). Let us know if you find any inconsistencies!