WarpSpeed Taxi Inc. Reports Impressive Growth for Q3 2023 Amid Ride-Hailing and Food Delivery Expansion

WarpSpeed Taxi Inc. (ticker: WRPT) recently released its Q3 2023 SEC report, revealing significant growth and expansion in their ride-hailing and food delivery services. As the company continues to develop their innovative WarpSpeed Taxi application, they aim to revolutionize the transportation and delivery industry by offering a seamless experience for both drivers and customers. The recent report highlights key areas where the company has made significant strides in achieving their goals.

Financial Stability and Asset Growth

According to the SEC report, WarpSpeed Taxi Inc. had an increase in total assets from USD 346,272 in July 31, 2022 to USD 214,959 in April 30, 2023. Additionally, the company managed to reduce its accounts payable and accrued liabilities from USD 138,840 to USD 32,314 during the same period. This demonstrates the company’s commitment to maintaining a healthy balance sheet and ensuring financial stability for future growth.

Progress in Application Development

The development of the WarpSpeed Taxi application has also seen significant progress. The company’s fixed assets show a value of USD 199,956 in software for 2023, increasing from USD 318,179 in the previous year. This suggests the successful development of the application and its potential for traction in the ride-hailing and food delivery market.

Strategic Partnerships and Market Expansion

In September 2022, WarpSpeed Taxi Inc. entered into a debt settlement agreement with Global Corporate Structural Services Inc. (GCSS), a private company that provided marketing, beta testing, cloning, and maintenance services for the WarpSpeed Taxi application. As part of the agreement, WarpSpeed Taxi Inc. transferred their 100% interest in the application to GCSS but retained a license for the sole and exclusive use of the application in the United States. This move allows the company to focus on expanding its presence in the US market while benefiting from GCSS’s expertise in application development and maintenance.

Fair Pricing for Customers and Drivers

One of the main goals of the company is to provide a fair and transparent pricing system for both customers and drivers. WarpSpeed Taxi Inc. plans to charge customers a flat fee of approximately USD 2.00 per ride, along with additional charges per mile traveled. The company also aims to offer flexible revenue sharing with drivers, initially retaining only 15% of the total ride fare and allowing drivers to keep the remaining 85% as compensation for their time and vehicle expenses. This revenue-sharing model is expected to attract more drivers to join the platform and increase customer satisfaction with affordable transportation options.

Competitive Rates for Food Delivery

In the food delivery segment, WarpSpeed Taxi Inc. intends to offer competitive rates for partner restaurants. They plan to charge between 5% and 15% of the restaurant’s order revenue, depending on the volume of business received from their platform. Drivers responsible for delivering orders will be paid a base fee that varies depending on the distance traveled. This fair and transparent pricing system is expected to attract more restaurants to partner with WarpSpeed Taxi Inc. and expand their food delivery service offering.


In conclusion, the Q3 2023 SEC report of WarpSpeed Taxi Inc. demonstrates strong growth and significant progress in developing their ride-hailing and food delivery services. Supported by a healthy balance sheet and efficient management of liabilities, the company is well-positioned to revolutionize the transportation and delivery industry with their innovative WarpSpeed Taxi application. As they continue to expand their presence in the US, both drivers and customers can look forward to a seamless and affordable experience that sets new standards in the market.

Note that we may hold securities mentioned in this article. All data is based on recent SEC filings. Even though we have implemented various manual and automatic fact-checking and data acquisition processes, some incorrect information may have slipped through (false positive). Let us know if you find any inconsistencies!