Phoenix Rising Companies Reports Increased Revenue and Assets in 2021 in Latest SEC Report

Phoenix Rising Companies (PRCX), a Nevada-based company primarily involved in gas and oil investment decisions, property development, and intellectual property protection, filed an amended SEC Form 10-K/A on March 28, 2022. According to the report, Phoenix has some interesting financial results based on their financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021.

Total Revenue and Financial Position

The report shows that Phoenix Rising Companies has seen a significant increase in their total revenue from January 1 to December 31, 2021. This has led to an improved bottom line, showing a healthier financial position than in previous years. In terms of revenue generation, the company seems to be benefiting from its investments and acquisitions in the oil and gas sector, further bolstered by several high-profile corporate partnerships.

As of December 31, 2021, Phoenix Rising Companies has a total of 286,069,451 shares of common stock outstanding. The document also reveals improved assets, including a more robust cash reserve than in years past. This is in large part due to Phoenix’s continued expansion in the gas and oil sector as well as its overall acquisition strategy. It seems that the company is poised to continue its upward trajectory in the coming year.

With a stronger financial position and the right strategy in place, Phoenix Rising Companies appears to have the potential for long-term growth and stability.

Various Business Holdings and Partnerships

In addition to heightened revenue generation, the SEC report details the company’s various business holdings and partnerships for the year. These include alliances with the likes of Beijing Yandong Tieshan Oil Products Co. Ltd, Huaxin Changrong Shenzhen Technology Service Co. Ltd, XingRui International Investment Group Ltd, XingRui International Investment Holding Group Co. Ltd, and Admall Sdn Bhd, among others.

Moreover, the report mentions the change of company management in 2018, including the resignation of Zhou Gui Bin and Zhou Wei and the appointment of Mr. Ding-Shin “DS” Chang and Mr. Boon Jin “Patrick” Tan as the new Directors.

Risks and Challenges

Although the company has made significant progress, there remain risks, as outlined in the document. Phoenix Rising Companies face intense industry competition and the always-looming threat of economic uncertainty. Furthermore, the success of the company is directly linked to the performance of both its investments and acquisitions. As the market continues to fluctuate, these risks must be considered by investors.

However, considering the latest financial results, it would seem that Phoenix Rising Companies is well-equipped to face these challenges head-on. The company has built its foundation on solid ground, and with a motivated management team at its helm, the sky appears to be the limit.


In conclusion, based on the latest 10-K/A SEC filing, Phoenix Rising Companies has experienced increased revenue, more significant assets, and improved financial stability compared to previous years. While the company still faces risks and challenges within the competitive landscape, their strong foundation of investments and partnerships, combined with a competent management team, put Phoenix Rising Companies in a solid position for long-term growth and success.

Note that we may hold securities mentioned in this article. All data is based on recent SEC filings. Even though we have implemented various manual and automatic fact-checking and data acquisition processes, some incorrect information may have slipped through (false positive). Let us know if you find any inconsistencies!