Panamera Holdings Corp Reports Increase in Revenues in Quarterly Report, Reflecting Improved Financial Performance

Panamera Holdings Corp (ticker: PHCI), a Nevada-based corporation, recently released their quarterly report showcasing an increase in revenues and an overall improved financial performance. As a company previously focused on providing management and consulting services to healthcare organizations, PHCI has shifted its focus toward pursuing business opportunities across various industries, including environmental services and innovative technologies.

Increased Revenues and Diversification

According to the report, PHCI recorded revenues of $75,001 in the nine months ended April 30, 2023, a significant increase as compared to the $16,667 generated in the same period in 2022. This revenue was primarily derived from consulting services rendered to a single customer, First DP Ventures, LP, with all outstanding fees as of April 2023 having been paid as of May 1, 2023. PHCI has successfully managed to diversify and expand their business operations while maintaining a company focus on achieving long-term growth potential.

Reduced Net Loss

During the period, the Company also saw a reduction in net loss, dropping from $29,230 during the nine months ended April 30, 2022, to a reported net loss of only $25,796 in this reporting period. This decline in net loss highlights the company’s improved efficiency in revenue generation and overall operations.

Working Capital Deficiency

The report also detailed that PHCI noted a working capital deficiency of $70,579 as of April 30, 2023. This was primarily attributed to an increase in current liabilities and a decrease in current assets, as the Company continues to seek new growth opportunities and expand its operations.

Adapting to COVID-19 Challenges

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have faced challenges and disruptions in their operations. While the full extent of the pandemic’s impact on PHCI remains uncertain, their current performance metrics reflect a positive outlook for the company as they adapt to changing market dynamics and continue to explore new business avenues.


In summary, Panamera Holdings Corp has demonstrated substantial growth in revenues, improved financial performance, and a successful transition toward expanding their business horizons during the nine months ended April 30, 2023. As PHCI continues to pursue innovative business opportunities across multiple industries, the future appears promising for the Nevada-based company.

Sources and References:

1. PHCI’s Quarterly Report (As provided in the information)

2. First DP Ventures, LP (Consulting services client)

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